POST /v3/shipments/filter/

Description - The Search Shipments API searches shipments using specific filters. It gets shipment details based on the order date, dispatch date, shipment states, and seller SKU ID. The first call to the Search API returns a finite number of results based on the pageSize value. Calling the URL returned in the next Page URL field of the response gets the subsequent pages of the search result. The response of the Search API contains a list of shipments and their sub-shipments, to be packed together in one shipment, for which only one label is generated.

Request and Response Parameters



Request Body Parameters: filter

Parameter/Attribute Type Requirement Description
type String Mandatory Types of Dispatch can be preDispatch or postDispatch or cancelled


type: preDispatch

List<String> Mandatory Filter shipments based on a comma separated list of valid shipment states. Possible values are APPROVED, PACKING_IN_PROGRESS, PACKED, FORM_FAILED, READY_TO_DISPATCH.


type: postDispatch

List<String> Mandatory Filter shipments based on a comma separated list of valid shipment states. Possible values are SHIPPED or/and DELIVERED or PICKUP_COMPLETE.
hold Boolean Optional Filter shipments based on the hold status. Defaults to False. (Applicable only for the type - preDispatch)
sku List<String> Optional Filter orders based on a comma separated list of seller SKUs
serviceProfiles String Optional This field defaults to NON_FBF
mps Boolean Optional Multi pack shipment accepts True or False
locationId String Optional Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
cancellationType String Mandatory if Filter Type is Cancel Describes where the Cancellation was initiated. For example if the Marketplace cancelled then this value is MarketPlace Cancellation.
shipmentTypes List<String> Optional Shipment Type can be NORMAL or SELF
  • orderDate:
  • from
  • to
String Optional Filter based on shipments placed within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format
  • dispatchAfterDate:
  • from
  • to
String Optional Filter based on shipments placed within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format
  • dispatchByDate:
  • from
  • to
String Optional Filter based on shipments placed within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format
  • cancellationDate:
  • from
  • to
String Optional Filter based on shipments placed within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format

Request Body Parameter: pagination

Parameter Type Requirement Description
pageSize Numeric Optional Number of search results to display in one page. Maximum size is 20

Request Body Parameter: sort

Parameter Type Requirement Description
field ISO String Optional Sort results by dispatchByDate
order String Optional Sort results by desc or asc


pageSize: Value between 1 and 20
maxDataRetrievalAllowed: 5000
filter: All filters are optional
sort field: Can be orderDate or dispatchByDate
For postDispatch, request must be sent separately for SELF and NORMAL shipments. It will be modified to allow both NORMAL and SELF shipments in same request payload, at a later date
Valid values for ``cancellationType`` are ``marketplaceCancellation``, ``sellerCancellation`` and ``buyerCancellation``
State filed value depends on the ‘Type’ attribute.If the filter type is Cancel, the state has to be’Cancelled’.


  • Provides only those orders that are fulfilled based on the seller’s fulfillment service. Flipkart Advantage (FA) orders are not shown.
  • The default sort order is by dispatchByDate (to be marked “Ready to Dispatch”).
  • If the date strings do not contain timezone information, it is assumed as IST.

Response Body Parameters:

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
nextPageUrl String Url for accessing the next page
hasMore Boolean A flag to indicate whether there are more search results in the next page
shipments List List of Shipments
shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
dispatchByDate ISO String Date by which the order items needs to be dispatched by the seller
dispatchAfterDate ISO String Date after which the order items needs to be processed by the seller
updatedAt ISO String Timestamp of the last update for a particular order item
hold Boolean Flag True or False for Shipment Verification Process.
locationId String Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
orderItems List Comma separated list of Order Items
orderItems. fsn String Flipkart Serial Number that identifies the order item.
orderItems. quantity Number Number of units of the item ordered.
orderItems. orderId String System generated orderId for an order within a shipment.
orderItems. orderItemId String System generated id for an item within an order.
orderItems. listingId String Product Listing Id
orderItems. sku String Seller’s store keeping unit where the item is available
orderItems. cancellationGroupId String Refers to the group of order items which will be cancelled.
orderItems. isReplacement Boolean True or False indicating if the order item replaces another order item.
orderItems. priceComponents. sellingPrice Float Product price listed by the seller. This value can be less than or equal to the MRP.
orderItems. priceComponents. totalPrice Float The price paid by the customer for this order item (customerPrice``+ ``shippingCharge)
orderItems. priceComponents. shippingCharge Float Fees charged for this order item of shipment.
orderItems. priceComponents. customerPrice Float The price at which buyer bought the order item from the Website (sellingPrice- promotionDiscount)
orderItems. priceComponents. emi Float EMI component for a particular order item id
orderItems. priceComponents. flipkartDiscount Float Flipkart discount for the particular order item id
orderItems. orderDate ISO String Date on which the order is placed.
orderItems. cancellationDate ISO String Date when the order item is cancelled.
orderItems. cancellationReason String Reason for the cancellation
orderItems. cancellationSubReason String Sub reason chosen for cancellation. In case of seller cancellation below are the valid sub reason(cannot_procure_item,not_enough_inventory,b2b_order)
orderItems. courierReturn boolean True or False indicating if courier return created for the order item.
orderItems. packageIds List<String> List of packages to which the order item is associated
forms List<Forms> List of forms associated with the shipment
forms. name String Name of the for associated with the shipment.
forms. link String Link to the Government portal for where particular form can be generated.
forms. automated boolean True or False indicating Flipkart generated form for the mentioned form.
forms. status String Indicates status of form generation. Status can be one of the below (NOT-CREATED, IN-PROGRESS, COMPLETED and FAILED)
subShipments List List of sub shipments associated with a shipment
subShipments. subShipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific sub shipment.
subShipments. packages List List of packages inside one sub shipment
subShipments. packageId String Primary identifier for a specific package
subShipments. quantity Integer Quantity of sub shipments
subShipments. packageTitle String Title of the package
subShipments. packageSku String SKU of the package

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
INVALID_REQUEST_PAGE_SIZE Validation failure of the requested pageSize value
INVALID_REQUEST_JSON JSON parsing failure of the request
INVALID_DATE_FORMAT Parsing failure of the from or to dates