POST /orders/search

Description - The Search Orders API searches order items using specific filters. It gets order items and their details based on the order date, dispatch date, order states, and seller SKU ID. The first call to the Search API returns a finite number of results based on the pageSize value. Calling the URL returned in the nextPageURL field of the response gets the subsequent pages of the search result. The response of the Search API contains a list of order items and their sub-items (freebies), to be packed together in one shipment, for which only one label is generated.

Request and Response Parameters



Request Body Parameter: filter

Parameter/Attribute Type Requirement Description
  • orderDate:
    • fromDate
    • toDate
String Optional Filter based on orders placed within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format
  • dispatchAfterDate:
    • fromDate
    • toDate
String Optional Filter based on orders to be processed within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format
  • dispatchByDate:
    • fromDate
    • toDate
String Optional Filter based on orders to be dispatched within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format
  • modifiedDate:
    • fromDate
    • toDate
String Optional Filter for orders that were modified within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format
states List<String> Optional Filter orders based on a comma separated list of valid order states. Filtering based on processing states is not supported now. Possible values: APPROVED,``PACKED``, READY_TO_DISPATCH, and CANCELLED
sku List<String> Optional Filter orders based on a comma separated list of seller SKUs

Request Body Parameter: pagination

Parameter Type Requirement Description
pageSize Numeric Optional Number of search results to display in one page. Maximum size is 20

Request Body Parameter: sort

Parameter Type Requirement Description
field ISO String Optional Sort results by orderDate or dispatchByDate
order String Optional Sort results by desc or asc


pageSize: Value between 1 and 20
filter: All filters are optional
sort field: Can be orderDate or dispatchByDate


  • Provides only those orders that are fulfilled based on the seller’s fulfillment service. Flipkart Advantage (FA) orders are not shown.
  • The default sort order is by dispatchByDate (to be marked “Ready to Dispatch”).
  • If the date strings do not contain timezone information, it is assumed as IST.

Response Body Parameters:

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
INVALID_REQUEST_PAGE_SIZE Validation failure of the requested pageSize value
INVALID_REQUEST_STATE Validation failure of the selected state
INVALID_REQUEST_JSON JSON parsing failure of the request
INVALID_DATE_FORMAT Parsing failure of the from or to dates