POST /listings/v3/update/inventory

Update product listing’s inventory.

This call updates listing’s inventory against the specified SKUs. If the SKU doesn’t exist in the system, then an error will be returned against the SKU. The values that the listing attributes can take can change with time and selling constructs. It is recommended to explicitly handle errors and warnings returned by this API.

In addition to the authorization header, which is required for all Flipkart REST API calls, the following table includes additional headers required by this call:

Header Description Required Allowed Values
Content-Type The MIME type of the body of the request. Must be JSON. Yes application/json; charset=utf-8
☰ Toggle

Payload Model

Request field descriptions

The payload is a map of SKU identifiers to their corresponding update inventory request. Max batch size allowed is “10”. The fields of the update inventory request are described in the table below.

Field Type Occurrence Description
product_id String Mandatory This is the product’s identifier in the Flipkart Marketplace. Length Range -> 13 to 16 characters.
locations Array Mandatory Your selling locations for this listing.
locations[].id String Mandatory The location ID obtained via the Onboarding API.
locations[].inventory Non-negative Integer Mandatory The available inventory at this location.
☰ Toggle

Response Headers

Header Meaning
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8

Status Codes

This call may return the HTTP status codes defined in the table below.

Status Interpretation
200 Success. IndividualSKUs may have failed. The status field has to be tested to determine the actual result.
400 Bad Request
500 Internal ServerError

Payload Model

  1. 200 OK
  1. 400 Bad Request
  1. 500 Bad Request

Response field descriptions

The response is a map of SKU identifiers to their corresponding update listing response objects. The fields of the update listing response are defined in the table below.

Field Type Occurrence Description
status Enumeration Mandatory Indicates the status of the request.
errors Array Conditional Indicates errors encountered while processing the request, if any.
errors[].severity Enumeration Mandatory The severity of the error. Warnings may require no further action.
errors[].code Integer Mandatory The error code.
errors[].description String Mandatory The error description.
attribute_errors Array Conditional Indicates validation errors tied to a specified request attribute.
attribute_errors[].severity Enumeration Mandatory The severity of the error. Warnings may require no further action.
attribute_errors[].code Integer Mandatory The error code.
attribute_errors[].description String Mandatory The error description.
attribute_errors[].path String Mandatory The JSON path to the attribute.